cookieless, no-ads, no threats canyon exploring with Michele Angileri Fiume Tącina
Among the main rivers in Sila mounts, River Tącina is fed by copious waters coming from the plateau. Despite the water takings
its flow-rate is high: in summer it is 2-3 cubic meters per second.
But once you get familiar with the large flow, once you begin to understand the water movements, to read the lines of flow, then you cannot resist from playing with them and let yourself go into whitewater. This is the time for fun.
  I remember ...In Calabria, in the hottest summer days, when temperatures rise up to 40°C and over, there are places where you can have a cool day of outdoor sport. Places like river Tącina, that seem to be made for you: powerful but friendly, dangerous but not too much, cool the right amount to let you wade and swim without a wetsuit, tasting a kind extraordinary freedom. Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved. |