cookieless, no-ads, no threats canyon exploring with Michele Angileri Fosso Feiole
In the northernmost part of Sabini Mountains, a stone's throw from the famous Marmore Falls, we find the quiet canyon of Fosso Feiole. The shapes of the gorge and the environment are those typical of Sabini Mounts, but a couple of majestic narrows add further beauty to a descent made of low dryfalls and downclimbings.
  I remember ...Although Fosso Feiole canyon has been known for many years, although it is technically easy and located in an area where the practice of canyoning is widespread and consolidated, Feiole has not become a classic among canyoning routes of central Italy. Probably because it does not have high and "adrenaline" waterfalls, and there is no water flowing. Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved. |