cookieless, no-ads, no threats canyon exploring with Michele Angileri Vallone dell'Arco
A steep deep valley with some rappel and many downclimbings, that ends in majestic narrows.
  I remember ...The unknown is the essential feature of an exploration, and this also applies to canyon exploring. It is a good idea to try to reduce the
unknowns by performing reconnaissance to the entrance and exit of canyon, verifying the access routes, observing the canyon from above.
All these precautions, however, require time, one more day dedicated to reconnaissance, and so if canyon is far away from home you usually opt
for a fast, incomplete reconnaissance or for nothing at all.
The surprise was the water: at the exit of canyon the bed was dry, while upstream there was a decent flow and some pools. It is the karstic nature of the soil: water flowing on the surface may be captured to the underground for reappearing in another place. But prudently we had wetsuit in our backpacks: you understand why our backpacks are always so heavy? :-) Another surprise came a few months later, when I was going to publish on my website the page of Vallone dell'Arco: my friend Pino
Antonini told me that he had done a few reconnaissances in the streams near Muro Lucano and he had descended the Arco canyon in 2003.
Photos and video by Michele Angileri and Andrea Pucci Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved. |