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Michele Angileri

Fosso di Iaccio Porcelli

Although it runs through the same environment as the very close Fosso di Iaccio Piano, the Fosso di Iaccio Porcelli is quite different, overall more open and steep but paradoxically with less waterfalls. It is also much more subject to avalanches that create snowfields that remain until the beginning of summer.
In the right season, descending Iaccio Porcelli canyon is simpler than Iaccio Piano, less technical and spectacular. But on Laga Range "simpler" doesn't mean trivial or not demanding ...

Name Fosso di Iaccio Porcelli
Area Lazio, Monti della Laga
Nearest village Amatrice
Elevation loss 260 m
Length 800 m
Highest cascade 35 m
Rock Sandstone
Shuttle No
Explored by Michele Angileri, Andrea Pucci; october 14 2007.


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I remember ...

Autumn here would be the most rainy season of the year, but it's not always so. It is some years that autumns are so dry that even the streams of Laga Mounts are going to lose their water. In these dry autumns temperatures may jump from winter to summer in a couple of days: yesterday there was snow and ice at 1500 meters ASL, tomorrow the burning sun at 2000 m ASL will let you complain for having left home your shorts and second bottle of water.

The day we explored Iaccio Porcelli had cold wind blowing fast from the north. Sky was of intense blue, sun was blinding the eyes but soil was frozen, and so would probably be the cascades of Iaccio Porcelli. That might have made our descent very problematic.
Luckily it wasn't so. There was ice but also water in cascades, and canyon was protected from the northwind. All went good and fast.

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